Ipswich Soup Kitchen
Formed in 1992 the Ipswich Soup Kitchen has been running a nightly outreach programme for the homeless and needy within the town.
We encounter a vast range of people with many different needs. The homeless, those struggling with money, mental health, addictions are just a few of the issues we come across.
The services provided are food, soup, hot drinks and just general company.
In addition the Soup Kitchen works with many other local organisations that can offer the support that we cannot. We have an NHS health Outreach Team that comes down twice a week and The Samaritans twice a month.
The volunteer army that makes all this possible is now 200+ strong and growing. These are folk from all walks of life that give up an evening every fortnight.
We will serve anyone (Adult) that has a need this is not just a service for the homeless.
We do not serve children and will refer any child that turns up to local authorities.
Location and Time
We meet in Elm Street Ipswich outside the magistrates court every night of the week. The start time is 7.30pm and we leave 8 - 8.30pm. Please be prompt to access this service as food can go very quickly.